당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “보복 영어 로 – 보복이죠 Tit for tat | 그레이스앤프랭키 보복 영어로 미드영어 쉐도잉 미드 영어“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://you.maxfit.vn 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://you.maxfit.vn/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 미니 잉글리시 Mini English 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 127회 및 좋아요 2개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.
보복 폭행은 영어로 revenge attack이라고 하며, ‘보복하다, 앙갚음하다’는 pay someone back, take revenge, give tit for tat 등으로 표현한다.
보복 영어 로 주제에 대한 동영상 보기
여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!
d여기에서 보복이죠 Tit for tat | 그레이스앤프랭키 보복 영어로 미드영어 쉐도잉 미드 영어 – 보복 영어 로 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
보복이죠 Tit for tat
#굿플레이스 #영어공부 #미드영어
보복 영어 로 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
보복 – 영어 번역 – bab.la 사전
보복 {명사} ; reprisal · (동의어: 앙갚음) ; retort · (동의어: 재치 있는 응수, 통렬한 반박, 말대꾸) ; retribution · (동의어: 응보, 앙갚음) ; revenge · (동의어: 복수) …
Source: www.babla.kr
Date Published: 8/28/2022
View: 6724
중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기 – 네이버 블로그
<키워드 스피킹> 팟캐스트의 문서자료입니다. 주요 이슈를 영어로 말하는 법을 익힙니다. … 1. 중국의 사드 보복은 대국답지 못한 옹졸한 처사다. China’s …
Source: m.blog.naver.com
Date Published: 6/22/2022
View: 6209
[EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge Spending
Revenge Spending 보복 소비 pent-up 억눌린 bottled-up 억눌린 frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 big-ticket …
Source: sallyjung-english.tistory.com
Date Published: 2/27/2021
View: 3719
복수 영어로? ‘되갚아줄거야!’ 어떻게 말할까?
revenge : 복수, 보복. 스포츠 경기에서의 설욕전을 ‘revenge’라고 말하죠? ‘revenge’는 명사로 쓰이며, 동사로 ‘복수하다’는 ‘avenge’라고 말합니다.
Source: engoo.co.kr
Date Published: 2/26/2021
View: 3706
Top 17 보복 영어 로 The 186 New Answer
보복 폭행은 영어로 revenge attack이라고 하며, ‘보복하다, 앙갚음하다’는 pay someone back, take revenge, give tit for tat 등으로 표현한다.
Source: chewathai27.com
Date Published: 1/27/2021
View: 2140
Meaning of 보복하다 in Korean english dictionary
Nearby Words ; Beauvoir. 보부아르 , 프랑스어 성 ; 시몬느 드 보부아르 ( 1908 – 1986 ), 프랑스의 소설가 , ” 제 2 의 성 ” 의 저자로 여성 운동에 참여했음 ; in revenge …
Source: www.almaany.com
Date Published: 2/2/2021
View: 3219
주제와 관련된 이미지 보복 영어 로
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 보복이죠 Tit for tat | 그레이스앤프랭키 보복 영어로 미드영어 쉐도잉 미드 영어. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 보복 영어 로
- Author: 미니 잉글리시 Mini English
- Views: 조회수 127회
- Likes: 좋아요 2개
- Date Published: 2020. 8. 20.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H67WXILx_RE
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핫 이슈를 통해 상식과 영어 단어를 배운다!
보복 폭행의 영어 표현은? 5월 4일 조회 : 21800
Q.내 자식이 폭행을 당했다면? 마음이 아프지만 참는다 경찰에 신고한다 가해자 부모에게 따진다 가해자를 보복 공격한다
보복 폭행 – revenge attack
한국 10대 기업의 회장이 아들을 때린 가해자들을 찾아가 보복 폭행을 한 사건이 2달여가 지난 뒤 언론에 공개되면서 초미의 관심사가 되고 있다. 국내 뿐 아니라 해외 외신에서도 ‘sensational(세상을 깜짝 놀라게 하는)’한 사건으로 묘사하며 그 결과에 주목하고 있다. 현재 회장과 아들은 경찰 조사에서 주요 혐의에 대해 모두 부인하고 있으며, 피해자들의 증언만 의존하고 있는 경찰은 결정적인 증거를 찾기 위해 수사에 박차를 가하고 있다. 보복 폭행은 영어로 revenge attack 이라고 하며, ‘보복하다, 앙갚음하다’는 pay someone back, take revenge, give tit for tat 등으로 표현한다.
[예문] The tycoon was questioned by police over his involvement in a revenge attack .그 재벌은 보복 폭행에 가담한 혐의로 경찰 조사를 받았다.
노블레스 오블리주 – noblesse oblige
노블레스 오블리주란 사회적인 지위에 따르는 도의상의 의무라는 뜻이다. 프랑스에서 유래된 이 단어는 현재 유럽을 근간으로 하는 선진국 상류층의 의식과 행동을 지탱해 온 정신이며, 선진국이 된 원동력이라고 할 수 있다. ’명예(노블리스)’가 높은 만큼 더 많은 의무(오블리주)를 이행 해야 한다는 의미다. 한 재벌총수가 관련된 보복 공격 사건을 바라보면서, 우리나라에서는 아직 노블레스 오블리주 정신이 자리잡지 못했구나 하는 아쉬움이 든다.
[예문] There was no noblesse oblige among the businessmen in that club.그 클럽의 사업가들에게서는 노블리스 오블리주를 찾아 볼 수 없었다.
새 지폐 – new banknote
한국은행은 2009년 상반기 중에 5만원권과 10만원권 등 두 종류의 고액권 발행을 시작할 예정이라고 발표했다. 만원권이 발행되기 시작한 1973년 이후 현재까지 물가는 12배 이상 상승했고, 국민소득은 150배 이상 늘어나는 등 경제사정이 크게 바뀌었으므로, 이에 따라 은행권의 최고액면을 상향 조정해 경제적 비효율과 불편을 해결해야 할 때라고 말했다. 현재 한국에서 유통되는 지폐에는 1000원, 5000원, 10000원권 등 모두 3가지 종류가 있다. 지폐는 banknote 외에도 paper money, soft money 등으로 표현할 수 있다.
[예문] There are three types of banknotes in circulation in Korea.한국에서 유통되는 지폐에는 3가지 종류가 있다.
ㆍ 보복 폭행 – revenge attack
ㆍ 노블레스 오블리주 – noblesse oblige
ㆍ 새 지폐 – new banknote 그들은 ~에 대해 두려워 한다 – They fear that ~
그들은 그들이 보복 폭행의 대상이 될까봐 두려워한다. 총 참여자 수 : 88명
z z ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ NJ They fear that they will be the target for revenge attack. dd They fear that they become a counterpart of revenge attack gg They fear that they could become target for revenge attack a They fear that they could becomes targat for revenge attacks a They fear that they become of revenge attack jully They fear that they revenge attack 1 1 Shrewd They fear that they would be the target of the revenge attack 11 They fear that they would be revenge attacked 꼬마밍키 They are afraid that they are objective on revenge attack. 롱삼천재 They fear that they would be the aim of the revenge attack. a They fear that they would be the target of the revenge attack ,., They fear that they could become target for revenge attack. meko They fear that they could become the target for revenge attack. … They fear that they will become a person to revenge attack. gfb They fear that they wpuld be target object in a revenge attack e They fear that they will be the goal of revenge attack ok They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks 이인희 They fear taht they would be target of revenge attack. x They fear that p They fears that is tageted to themselves. s s 김현우 They fears that is tageted to themselves. i they fears that they reciver revenge attact lina They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks lina They fears that they could be target of revenge attack to them lorie they fear that they could be the target of a revenge attack. j They fear that they would be target of revenge attack. Sarah they are going to be a target of a revenge attack. a They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks. a They fear that they could become target a revenge attack. 1 They fear that they are a revenge attack e-지식맨 아니 어떻게 하루에 3명만 올리는거죠???그리구요 요즘 들어서 올인올 사전의 올인올투데이도 많은 관심이 사라지고……점점 갈수록 인원이 적어지네요….제가 한번 말했었죠 영작문을 많이써야 여러분의 실력이 는다고요…여러분도 놀라셨겠지만 많은 관심 부탁합니다. q They fears that they are going to be the target of a revenge attack. lns They fear that they may be the target for revenge attack. ^^ They fear that they become the object of revenge attack d they fear that they is going to be those who are taken revange 다르 They feasrs that to be a taeget of revenge attack kkh They fears that they are the target of revenge attack of them K They fear that they may be a target of revenge attack. l l es They fears that they are attached. lns They fears that they may be the target of revenge attack. li they fears that should be revenge attack kkk They fears that they would be the object of a revenge attack. m mk They fears that they will be people to revenge attack Ha They are chickens. 짱짱이 They fear that they may be a revenge attack’s target. meko They fears that they could become a target for the revenge attack … They fears that they will be the revenge attack d They fear that they become a target of revenge attack. rt rt dave They fears that they would be a target for a revenge attack Andy They fears that they are become a revenge attack. 신성호 They fears that they are likely to be a object to a revenge attack. a they fears that they are dd They fears that they may be a object of revenge attack. 우기짱 They fears that they would be objects of revenge attack. . . aaaa They fears that they will be the objects of revenge attack. hui They fears that they would be a target of revenge attack. 코난 They fears that they could become targets for revenge attack. coylee They fears that if they will be the victim of the revenge attack. zhsks They fears that revenge attack is for them wulotu They fears that they will be the object of revenge attack. ABC They fears that they are one of revenge attack. 박민식 They fears that become a revenge attack to themselves. a a Choi They fears that they woud be the object of the revenge attack. o They fears that the object of revenge attack 1 1 cjy They fears that they will be a target for revenge attack. aaa they frears that they could be the target of revenging attack 김성환 They fears that he is revenged object. 11 they fear that they could be the target of revenge attack.(they는 3인칭이 아닌데. .they fears로 한까닭이있나요?) abc They fears that they may take revenge attack bb They fears that they would be the target of revenge attack. YJ They fear that they would be the target of revenge attack 삼발이 They fear that they will be the target of revenge attack. 보복 폭행 They ~~ They fears that they’ll be the one of a revenge attack lsd They fears that they will be the revenge attack . Johnny They are fearing of a target of the revenge attack. a a kong They fear that they could be the object of a revenge attack. may They fear that they become a target of a revenge attack.
ⓒ ㈜와이비엠넷. All rights reserved.
이 컨텐츠는 상업적 용도를 목적으로 무단배포 및 재배포 할 수 없으며, 배포 시 반드시 출처를 표시해야 합니다.
중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기
중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기
<키워드 스피킹> 팟캐스트의 문서자료입니다. 주요 이슈를 영어로 말하는 법을 익힙니다.
2017년 2월 3일 키워드 스피킹 방송 / 주제: 중국의 사드 보복
PDF 문서: http://www.practicus.co.kr/admin/upload/170203chinarevenge.pdf
When the Korean government decided to deploy THAAD despite predicted opposition from China, there was concern that China would seek vengeful action against Korea. The concern has proved to be a legitimate one, as there has been a series of retaliatory moves against Korea, especially in the entertainment industry.
The Chinese government is said to have issued an order to ban or restrict activities by Korean entertainers in its country. The broadcast of TV programs featuring Korean celebrities was put on hold for no specified reason. Also, Korean soprano Sumi Jo’s concerts across China, which were planned two years ago, were suddenly canceled. If Korea’s cultural content fails to reach the Chinese audience, the nation’s pop culture industry will lose one of its biggest markets. What kind of damage will the Korean economy incur if these restrictions roll over to other areas such as the cosmetics market?
Others point out, however, that it’s too early to be afraid. For example, the number of group tours to Korea during the lunar new year holiday has dropped; but the total number of Chinese visitors hasn’t fallen by much, as many of them choose to come to Korea individually. Regardless of the Chinese government’s restrictions on Korea’s cultural products, its citizens will still find a way to consume through various alternative channels.
More than anything else, many Koreans believe that China’s recent moves are rather petty and narrow-minded. Can the country truly be recognized as a global leader when it acts below its economic stature?
1. seek vengeful action against Korea 한국에 대한 보복 조치를 취하다
2. The concern has proved to be a legitimate one 합당한 우려였음이 드러났다
3. retaliatory moves against Korea 한국에 대한 보복 조치
4. broadcast of TV programs featuring Korean celebrities was put on hold 한국 연예인이 출연하는 프로그램의 방송이 중단되었다
5. these restrictions roll over to other areas 그런 규제가 다른 영역으로 번지다
6. will still find a way 뭔가 방법을 찾을 것이다
7. petty and narrow-minded 옹졸하고 속 좁은
8. it acts below its economic stature 경제적 지위에 맞지 않는 행동을 하다
Keywords / Key Sentences
1. 중국의 사드 보복은 대국답지 못한 옹졸한 처사다. China’s retaliatory moves to get even with Korea over its THAAD deployment are too petty for a so-called G2 country. China’s revenge against Korea to settle the score over its THAAD deployment is too trivial for the strongest country in the region. China’s vengeance against Korea to hit back over its THAAD deployment is a cheap shot for one of the biggest countries in the world.
2. 한국 연예인의 활동을 금지하거나 제한하려 한다. The Chinese government is trying to ban or restrict activities by Korean entertainers in China. The Chinese administration is attempting to stop or limit activities by Korean entertainers in its country. China’s leaders are pushing to halt or reduce activities by Korean entertainers in their territory.
3. 안보 문제는 외교 채널을 통해 논의하고, 경제와 문화 교류는 진전시키는 게 올바른 길이다. China should discuss national security issues through diplomatic channels and try to deepen its currently close relationship in the fields of economy and culture. / China should engage in diplomatic dialogue on national security issues and work to tighten its presently firm partnership in the areas of economy and culture. / China should talk through its diplomats about national security issues and step up efforts to harden the already solid bond in the sectors of economy and culture.
4. 사드 배치를 추진한 한국 정부에 일부 문제가 있다 하더라도 중국의 보복이 합리화될 수는 없다. The Korean government is partly to blame for its deployment of THAAD, but China’s retaliatory moves can never be rationalized. / The Korean administration should take some of the criticism for its deployment of THAAD, but China’s revenge is in no way reasonable. / Korea’s leaders bear some of the responsibility for their deployment of THAAD, but China’s vengeance is under no circumstance warranted.
5. 중국이 북핵 문제를 해결하기 위한 대안은 제시하지 않고 사드 배치에 대한 보복 조치만 내놓는 것은 잘못이다. Before resorting to retaliatory moves for Korea’s deployment of THAAD, China should do something to help resolve the North Korean nuclear issue. / Before taking revenge out against Korea for its deployment of THAAD, China should get on its feet to help find a solution to the North Korean nuclear problem. / Before seeking vengeance against Korea for its deployment of THAAD, China should lift a hand to help work out the North Korean nuclear dilemma.
[EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge Spending
Revenge Spending
보복 소비
pent-up 억눌린
bottled-up 억눌린
frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운
splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다
big-ticket items 고가의 상품
travel costs 여행 비용
designer brand 명품
sales record 매출 기록
retail therapy 기분 전환을 위한 쇼핑
big spender 돈을 많이 쓰는(낭비하는) 사람
splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다
“Revenge spending” causes people to splurge on things they don’t need.
I decided to splurge on an expensive gift for my mom.
I think it’s okay to splurge on things sometimes.
be pent up 억눌리다
People’s desire to spend money is pent up by external factors.
When stress is pent up, it can cause physical symptoms.
It’s not healthy for feelings to be pent up for too long.
big-ticket items 고가의 상품
Sales of big-ticket items from high-end brands are increasing.
Some people buy big-ticket items and resell them at a profit.
It’s safer to leave big-ticket items at home.
* 출처 – EBS 입이 트이는 영어 July 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
복수 영어로? ‘되갚아줄거야!’ 어떻게 말할까?
안녕하세요. 엔구 화상영어입니다.
오늘은 누군가에게 앙갚음을 갚아주기 위한 ‘복수’와 관련한 영어들을 공부해볼까요?
revenge : 복수, 보복
스포츠 경기에서의 설욕전을 ‘revenge’라고 말하죠?
‘revenge’는 명사로 쓰이며, 동사로 ‘복수하다’는 ‘avenge’라고 말합니다.
다만, ‘revenge’는 개인적으로 당한 원한을 갚는 뉘앙스가 강한 반면, ‘avenge’는 사회의 정의를 위한 복수를 의미합니다.
The best revenge is forgetting the person who hurt you and living your life better.
최고의 복수는 너에게 상처 준 사람을 잊고 더 나은 삶을 사는 것이다.
get back at~ : ~에게 되갚아주다, ~에게 복수하다
개인적인 원한을 앙갚음할 때 ‘get back at’이라는 표현을 사용합니다.
직역 그대로 상대방에게 ‘다시 되돌려주다’의 뜻으로 복수의 의미를 담고 있습니다.
I am going to get back at my brother for throwing away my books.
우리 오빠가 내 책 갖다 버린 거 되갚아줄거야.
You’ll pay for this. : 복수할거야.
직역하면 ‘대가를 치루게 될거야’라는 의미입니다.
이외에도 ‘I’ll get payback(복수할거야)’라고 표현할 수도 있습니다.
A : I told mom you skipped school today.
A : 나 오늘 네가 학교 땡땡이 친 거 엄마한테 말했어.
B : You just wait, you’ll pay for this.
B : 너 딱 기다려. 나 복수할거야.
I will get even with you. : 되갚아 줄거야, 복수할거야
‘get even with someone’은 누군가에게 ‘복수하다’, ‘보복하다’ 라는 뜻입니다.
A : I ate all your pizza, better buy a new one!
A : 나 네 피자 다 먹었어. 넌 새로 사 먹어야겠다!
B : I will get even with you someday.
B : 언젠가 되갚아 줄거야.
오늘 배운 표현이 여러분께 많은 도움되었길 바라며, 다음에도 재밌는 포스팅으로 찾아올게요!
수준높은 교재, 믿을 수 있는 강사! 지금 바로 엔구 화상영어에서 만나보세요.
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중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기 : 네이버 블로그
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[EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge SpendingArticle author: sallyjung-english.tistory.com
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Summary of article content: Articles about [EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge Spending Revenge Spending 보복 소비 pent-up 억눌린 bottled-up 억눌린 frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 big-ticket … …
Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for [EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge Spending Revenge Spending 보복 소비 pent-up 억눌린 bottled-up 억눌린 frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 big-ticket … Revenge Spending 보복 소비 pent-up 억눌린 bottled-up 억눌린 frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 big-ticket items 고가의 상품 travel costs 여행 비용 desig..
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[EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge SpendingRead More
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[예문] The tycoon was questioned by police over his involvement in a revenge attack . 그 재벌은 보복 폭행에 가담한 혐의로 경찰 조사를 받았다. 노블레스 오블리주 – noblesse oblige 노블레스 오블리주란 사회적인 지위에 따르는 도의상의 의무라는 뜻이다. 프랑스에서 유래된 이 단어는 현재 유럽을 근간으로 하는 선진국 상류층의 의식과 행동을 지탱해 온 정신이며, 선진국이 된 원동력이라고 할 수 있다. ’명예(노블리스)’가 높은 만큼 더 많은 의무(오블리주)를 이행 해야 한다는 의미다. 한 재벌총수가 관련된 보복 공격 사건을 바라보면서, 우리나라에서는 아직 노블레스 오블리주 정신이 자리잡지 못했구나 하는 아쉬움이 든다. [예문] There was no noblesse oblige among the businessmen in that club. 그 클럽의 사업가들에게서는 노블리스 오블리주를 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 새 지폐 – new banknote 한국은행은 2009년 상반기 중에 5만원권과 10만원권 등 두 종류의 고액권 발행을 시작할 예정이라고 발표했다. 만원권이 발행되기 시작한 1973년 이후 현재까지 물가는 12배 이상 상승했고, 국민소득은 150배 이상 늘어나는 등 경제사정이 크게 바뀌었으므로, 이에 따라 은행권의 최고액면을 상향 조정해 경제적 비효율과 불편을 해결해야 할 때라고 말했다. 현재 한국에서 유통되는 지폐에는 1000원, 5000원, 10000원권 등 모두 3가지 종류가 있다. 지폐는 banknote 외에도 paper money, soft money 등으로 표현할 수 있다. [예문] There are three types of banknotes in circulation in Korea. 한국에서 유통되는 지폐에는 3가지 종류가 있다. ㆍ 보복 폭행 – revenge attack ㆍ 노블레스 오블리주 – noblesse oblige ㆍ 새 지폐 – new banknote 그들은 ~에 대해 두려워 한다 – They fear that ~ 그들은 그들이 보복 폭행의 대상이 될까봐 두려워한다. 총 참여자 수 : 88명 z z ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ NJ They fear that they will be the target for revenge attack. dd They fear that they become a counterpart of revenge attack gg They fear that they could become target for revenge attack a They fear that they could becomes targat for revenge attacks a They fear that they become of revenge attack jully They fear that they revenge attack 1 1 Shrewd They fear that they would be the target of the revenge attack 11 They fear that they would be revenge attacked 꼬마밍키 They are afraid that they are objective on revenge attack. 롱삼천재 They fear that they would be the aim of the revenge attack. a They fear that they would be the target of the revenge attack ,., They fear that they could become target for revenge attack. meko They fear that they could become the target for revenge attack. … They fear that they will become a person to revenge attack. gfb They fear that they wpuld be target object in a revenge attack e They fear that they will be the goal of revenge attack ok They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks 이인희 They fear taht they would be target of revenge attack. x They fear that p They fears that is tageted to themselves. s s 김현우 They fears that is tageted to themselves. i they fears that they reciver revenge attact lina They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks lina They fears that they could be target of revenge attack to them lorie they fear that they could be the target of a revenge attack. j They fear that they would be target of revenge attack. Sarah they are going to be a target of a revenge attack. a They fear that they could become targets for revenge attacks. a They fear that they could become target a revenge attack. 1 They fear that they are a revenge attack e-지식맨 아니 어떻게 하루에 3명만 올리는거죠???그리구요 요즘 들어서 올인올 사전의 올인올투데이도 많은 관심이 사라지고……점점 갈수록 인원이 적어지네요….제가 한번 말했었죠 영작문을 많이써야 여러분의 실력이 는다고요…여러분도 놀라셨겠지만 많은 관심 부탁합니다. q They fears that they are going to be the target of a revenge attack. lns They fear that they may be the target for revenge attack. ^^ They fear that they become the object of revenge attack d they fear that they is going to be those who are taken revange 다르 They feasrs that to be a taeget of revenge attack kkh They fears that they are the target of revenge attack of them K They fear that they may be a target of revenge attack. l l es They fears that they are attached. lns They fears that they may be the target of revenge attack. li they fears that should be revenge attack kkk They fears that they would be the object of a revenge attack. m mk They fears that they will be people to revenge attack Ha They are chickens. 짱짱이 They fear that they may be a revenge attack’s target. meko They fears that they could become a target for the revenge attack … They fears that they will be the revenge attack d They fear that they become a target of revenge attack. rt rt dave They fears that they would be a target for a revenge attack Andy They fears that they are become a revenge attack. 신성호 They fears that they are likely to be a object to a revenge attack. a they fears that they are dd They fears that they may be a object of revenge attack. 우기짱 They fears that they would be objects of revenge attack. . . aaaa They fears that they will be the objects of revenge attack. hui They fears that they would be a target of revenge attack. 코난 They fears that they could become targets for revenge attack. coylee They fears that if they will be the victim of the revenge attack. zhsks They fears that revenge attack is for them wulotu They fears that they will be the object of revenge attack. ABC They fears that they are one of revenge attack. 박민식 They fears that become a revenge attack to themselves. a a Choi They fears that they woud be the object of the revenge attack. o They fears that the object of revenge attack 1 1 cjy They fears that they will be a target for revenge attack. aaa they frears that they could be the target of revenging attack 김성환 They fears that he is revenged object. 11 they fear that they could be the target of revenge attack.(they는 3인칭이 아닌데. .they fears로 한까닭이있나요?) abc They fears that they may take revenge attack bb They fears that they would be the target of revenge attack. YJ They fear that they would be the target of revenge attack 삼발이 They fear that they will be the target of revenge attack. 보복 폭행 They ~~ They fears that they’ll be the one of a revenge attack lsd They fears that they will be the revenge attack . Johnny They are fearing of a target of the revenge attack. a a kong They fear that they could be the object of a revenge attack. may They fear that they become a target of a revenge attack. ⓒ ㈜와이비엠넷. All rights reserved. 이 컨텐츠는 상업적 용도를 목적으로 무단배포 및 재배포 할 수 없으며, 배포 시 반드시 출처를 표시해야 합니다.
중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기
중국의 사드 보복에 대해 영어로 말하기 팟캐스트의 문서자료입니다. 주요 이슈를 영어로 말하는 법을 익힙니다. www.podbbang.com/ch/7749 https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/id888162715 2017년 2월 3일 키워드 스피킹 방송 / 주제: 중국의 사드 보복 PDF 문서: http://www.practicus.co.kr/admin/upload/170203chinarevenge.pdf Summary When the Korean government decided to deploy THAAD despite predicted opposition from China, there was concern that China would seek vengeful action against Korea. The concern has proved to be a legitimate one, as there has been a series of retaliatory moves against Korea, especially in the entertainment industry. The Chinese government is said to have issued an order to ban or restrict activities by Korean entertainers in its country. The broadcast of TV programs featuring Korean celebrities was put on hold for no specified reason. Also, Korean soprano Sumi Jo’s concerts across China, which were planned two years ago, were suddenly canceled. If Korea’s cultural content fails to reach the Chinese audience, the nation’s pop culture industry will lose one of its biggest markets. What kind of damage will the Korean economy incur if these restrictions roll over to other areas such as the cosmetics market? Others point out, however, that it’s too early to be afraid. For example, the number of group tours to Korea during the lunar new year holiday has dropped; but the total number of Chinese visitors hasn’t fallen by much, as many of them choose to come to Korea individually. Regardless of the Chinese government’s restrictions on Korea’s cultural products, its citizens will still find a way to consume through various alternative channels. More than anything else, many Koreans believe that China’s recent moves are rather petty and narrow-minded. Can the country truly be recognized as a global leader when it acts below its economic stature? 해석 1. seek vengeful action against Korea 한국에 대한 보복 조치를 취하다 2. The concern has proved to be a legitimate one 합당한 우려였음이 드러났다 3. retaliatory moves against Korea 한국에 대한 보복 조치 4. broadcast of TV programs featuring Korean celebrities was put on hold 한국 연예인이 출연하는 프로그램의 방송이 중단되었다 5. these restrictions roll over to other areas 그런 규제가 다른 영역으로 번지다 6. will still find a way 뭔가 방법을 찾을 것이다 7. petty and narrow-minded 옹졸하고 속 좁은 8. it acts below its economic stature 경제적 지위에 맞지 않는 행동을 하다 Keywords / Key Sentences 1. 중국의 사드 보복은 대국답지 못한 옹졸한 처사다. China’s retaliatory moves to get even with Korea over its THAAD deployment are too petty for a so-called G2 country. China’s revenge against Korea to settle the score over its THAAD deployment is too trivial for the strongest country in the region. China’s vengeance against Korea to hit back over its THAAD deployment is a cheap shot for one of the biggest countries in the world. 2. 한국 연예인의 활동을 금지하거나 제한하려 한다. The Chinese government is trying to ban or restrict activities by Korean entertainers in China. The Chinese administration is attempting to stop or limit activities by Korean entertainers in its country. China’s leaders are pushing to halt or reduce activities by Korean entertainers in their territory. 3. 안보 문제는 외교 채널을 통해 논의하고, 경제와 문화 교류는 진전시키는 게 올바른 길이다. China should discuss national security issues through diplomatic channels and try to deepen its currently close relationship in the fields of economy and culture. / China should engage in diplomatic dialogue on national security issues and work to tighten its presently firm partnership in the areas of economy and culture. / China should talk through its diplomats about national security issues and step up efforts to harden the already solid bond in the sectors of economy and culture. 4. 사드 배치를 추진한 한국 정부에 일부 문제가 있다 하더라도 중국의 보복이 합리화될 수는 없다. The Korean government is partly to blame for its deployment of THAAD, but China’s retaliatory moves can never be rationalized. / The Korean administration should take some of the criticism for its deployment of THAAD, but China’s revenge is in no way reasonable. / Korea’s leaders bear some of the responsibility for their deployment of THAAD, but China’s vengeance is under no circumstance warranted. 5. 중국이 북핵 문제를 해결하기 위한 대안은 제시하지 않고 사드 배치에 대한 보복 조치만 내놓는 것은 잘못이다. Before resorting to retaliatory moves for Korea’s deployment of THAAD, China should do something to help resolve the North Korean nuclear issue. / Before taking revenge out against Korea for its deployment of THAAD, China should get on its feet to help find a solution to the North Korean nuclear problem. / Before seeking vengeance against Korea for its deployment of THAAD, China should lift a hand to help work out the North Korean nuclear dilemma.
[EBS 입트영] 보복 소비 영어로 표현하기 Revenge Spending반응형 Revenge Spending 보복 소비 pent-up 억눌린 bottled-up 억눌린 frustrated 답답한, 불만스러운 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 big-ticket items 고가의 상품 travel costs 여행 비용 designer brand 명품 sales record 매출 기록 retail therapy 기분 전환을 위한 쇼핑 big spender 돈을 많이 쓰는(낭비하는) 사람 splurge on (불필요한) ~에 큰돈을 쓰다 “Revenge spending” causes people to splurge on things they don’t need. I decided to splurge on an expensive gift for my mom. I think it’s okay to splurge on things sometimes. be pent up 억눌리다 People’s desire to spend money is pent up by external factors. When stress is pent up, it can cause physical symptoms. It’s not healthy for feelings to be pent up for too long. big-ticket items 고가의 상품 Sales of big-ticket items from high-end brands are increasing. Some people buy big-ticket items and resell them at a profit. It’s safer to leave big-ticket items at home. * 출처 – EBS 입이 트이는 영어 July 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드) 반응형
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