당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 – RM 어긋 uhgood“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://you.maxfit.vn 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://you.maxfit.vn/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 N0_view 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 38회 및 좋아요 1개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.
그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 주제에 대한 동영상 보기
여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!
d여기에서 RM 어긋 uhgood – 그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
Awakening in a pit of hell; yet a voice within sings this \u0026 you’re suffering at peace ☁️
Produced by Sam Klempner
Written by Sam Klempner, RM
Spotify | Apple Music
Note: Original lyrics are transcribed.
Two meanings of 어긋 (uh-geut) are relevant in the lyrics: (1) fall short of expectations and (2) miss each other (by taking different routes). To me, it feels like RM is clearly combining these two meanings to express one concept/feeling that comes from the discrepancy between “the ideal, expectations, the real me” and “reality, failures, me who did not find the real me”. In the rap parts (marked with [R]), meaning (1) is dominant while meaning (2) is dominant in the chorus parts (marked with [C]). I’m going to translate “어긋” in the lyrics as “being off (expectations or the real me).”
Interestingly, the English title of this track is uhgood (uh-good), which is similar to the pronunciation of 어긋 but gives a positive vibe unlike the actual meanings of 어긋.
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
All you need is you (you)
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know
You know, you know, you know
[R]가끔은 내게 실망해
Sometimes, I get disappointed in myself
스스로 나를 짓밟네
I trample myself by myself
너 이것밖에 안 돼?
“Is this the best you can offer?”
훨씬 더 잘해야 해
“You have to be so much better”
너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해
“You have to be so much cooler”
지느니 죽어야 해
“If you are going to lose, you rather have to die”
이겨야 해 넌 넌 넌
“You have to win, you, you, you”
[C]어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
Being off is such a painful thing
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는거야
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it
내 이상과 현실
My ideal and reality–
너무 멀고 먼
They are too far apart
그래도 다리 건너
But, I still want to cross the bridge
내게 닿고 싶어
and reach me
진짜 내게 (yeah, yeah)
the real me (yeah, yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
This song maybe is the one that allows the most subjective transcription/interpretation with the absence of official lyrics. 내게 (naege; to me) and 네게 (nege; to you) are pronounced practically the same (technically, they are pronounced different, but it is very hard to differentiate the pronunciations), which makes listeners to also hear the above four lines as: “But, I still want to cross the bridge and reach you, the real you, the real you.” In previous BTS lyrics (especially in the Love Yourself series), there are cases where the distinction between “I” and “you” is vague. So this also might be on the extended line where the real you is actually the real me (as a listener of “me” the speaker).
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
But, why do I feel lonely?
(Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
[R]살다보면 B를 받을 수도 있어
Sometimes, you can receive B‘s in your life
You are expected to get all A’s in your life, but that’s just an expectation. You can receive B’s in your life, and that’s fine.
그래 야 너도 B를 받을 수가 있어
Yeah, hey, you can also receive B‘s
몇날 며칠이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
It could keep raining for days
비 (rain) is pronounced as “bi,” rhyming with B in the above two lines. In this verse, rain represents some uncontrollable forces in life.
저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어
Even in that desert, it might rain
근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어
But, I’m sorry, I can’t give up on myself
In the above four lines, it seems like RM is ready to accept the reality and embrace the imperfections, but here he starts to think about the ideal again.
내가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
I can’t let go of me who I know as myself
내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
because you, in my head, are so whole like this
Here, again, the ideal me in my head is called “you”
because you are so perfect
[C]어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
Being off is such a painful thing
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는거야
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it
내 이상과 현실
My ideal and reality–
너무 멀고 먼
They are too far apart
그래도 다리 건너
But, I still want to cross the bridge
내게 닿고 싶어
and reach me
진짜 내게 (yeah, yeah)
the real me (yeah, yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
From: https://doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com/2018/10/25/uhgood/
With loads of thanks
#남춘#RM #어긋 #uhgood #mono #namjoon #bts #kimnamjoon #myrehab
✒🎶 @bts.bighitofficial #RM #어긋 #uhgood
#art #artisticexpression #love #soulful #depression #myrehab #bts_lovemyself #bts_loveyourself #speak_myself #mindfulness #lyrics #peaceful #arttherapy #videoart #mono #healing
그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
RM – 어긋 (uhgood) Lyrics – Genius
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것 내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼 그 두 다리 건너 네게 닿고 싶어 진짜 네게, yeah, yeah
Source: genius.com
Date Published: 12/18/2022
View: 7215
어긋 (uhgood)
그래도 다리 건너. But, I still want to cross the brge. 내게 닿고 싶어 and reach me. 진짜 내게 (yeah, yeah) the real me (yeah, yeah).
Source: doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com
Date Published: 1/7/2022
View: 2905
bts-trans — [KOR/ENG LYRICS] 어긋 (uhgood) by RM
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야 내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼 그래도 다리 건너 너에게 닿고 싶어 진짜 네게 진짜 내게.
Source: bts-trans.tumblr.com
Date Published: 1/17/2021
View: 2507
어긋 (uhgood) 가사 – RM
가끔은 내게 실망해. 다시 날 내려 짓밟네. 너 이것밖에 안 돼 … 그래도 다리 건너. 너에게 닿고 싶어. 진짜 네게 진짜 내게. All I need is me.
Source: lyricstranslate.com
Date Published: 4/11/2022
View: 5369
RM – uhgood (어긋) Lyrics | iLyricsBuzz
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야 내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼 그래도 다리 건너 너에게 닿고 싶어 진짜 네게 진짜 내게.
Source: ilyricsbuzz.com
Date Published: 6/4/2021
View: 9841
Translation RM – 어긋 – Lyrics Translations
My eals and reality, so very far. 그래도 다리 건너. But still, by crossing that brge. 너에게 닿고 싶어. I want to reach you. 진짜 네게 진짜 내게.
Source: lyrics-translate-en.snkey.ru
Date Published: 2/2/2021
View: 9395
Kaori.M @LOVE Butter on Twitter: “그래도 다리 건너 내게 …
그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 それでも橋を渡って”俺”に辿り着きたい 진짜 내게 Yeah,yeah 本当の俺に 진짜 내게 Yeah 本当の俺に 마음이 힘들 때 …
Source: twitter.com
Date Published: 6/18/2021
View: 7752
RM – 어긋 (가사/다운로드) – 네이버 블로그
어긋나는건 너무 아픈 것 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것 내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼 그래도 다리건너 내게 닿고 싶어 진짜 내게 진짜 내게 진짜 내게
Source: m.blog.naver.com
Date Published: 6/11/2021
View: 866
RM of BTS Lyrics “어긋 uhgood” – LyricsBox
가끔 난 내게 실망해 (내게 실망해) 술은 나를 짓밟네 (나를 짓밟네) “너 이것밖에 안돼? … 너무 멀고 먼 그 두 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어. 진짜 네게. Yeah yeah
Source: www.lyricsbox.com
Date Published: 12/2/2022
View: 3228
BTS Mixtapes – 어긋 (uhgood) – Wattpad
그래도 다리 건너 geurae du dari geonneo. But, I still want to cross the brge +. 내게 닿고 싶어 naege dahgo sipeo and reach me +. 진짜 내게 jinjja naege
Source: www.wattpad.com
Date Published: 6/13/2022
View: 5455
주제와 관련된 이미지 그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 RM 어긋 uhgood. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

주제에 대한 기사 평가 그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어
- Author: N0_view
- Views: 조회수 38회
- Likes: 좋아요 1개
- Date Published: 2019. 5. 23.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXo4x5wiYtQ
RM – 어긋 (uhgood)
This was suppose to be “Reflection.” It was “Reflection,” but the drum beat was different in the beggining. I created another version of “Reflection” for many reasons. It was titled “뚝섬에 (At Ttukseom).”
Bang PD and I both love the song, so I saved the song for later. PD Bang sent me a track and said the a capella in “어긋 (uhgood)” would match well with the track, so I changed the rhythm of the song and that’s how “어긋 (uhgood)” was born.
The track is a bit heartbreaking for me and has many memories. I know that many like the song. The drum beat sounded too bright at first, so I’ve asked to change the beat, and I re-recorded the song eventually. I usually follow the demo when recording the song, but I had to re-record this song. I think it’s good. I love the title, “어긋 (uhgood),” I just love it. It has a meaning of “going against something.” The title suits the song and holds a lot of emotions.
어긋 (uhgood)
Produced by Sam Klempner
Written by Sam Klempner, RM
Spotify | Apple Music
Note: Original lyrics are transcribed.
Two meanings of 어긋 (uh-geut) are relevant in the lyrics: (1) fall short of expectations and (2) miss each other (by taking different routes). To me, it feels like RM is clearly combining these two meanings to express one concept/feeling that comes from the discrepancy between “the ideal, expectations, the real me” and “reality, failures, me who did not find the real me”. In the rap parts (marked with [R]), meaning (1) is dominant while meaning (2) is dominant in the chorus parts (marked with [C]). I’m going to translate “어긋” in the lyrics as “being off (expectations or the real me).”
Interestingly, the English title of this track is uhgood (uh-good), which is similar to the pronunciation of 어긋 but gives a positive vibe unlike the actual meanings of 어긋.
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
All you need is you (you)
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know
You know, you know, you know
[R]가끔은 내게 실망해
Sometimes, I get disappointed in myself
스스로 나를 짓밟네
I trample myself by myself
너 이것밖에 안 돼?
“Is this the best you can offer?”
훨씬 더 잘해야 해
“You have to be so much better”
너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해
“You have to be so much cooler”
지느니 죽어야 해
“If you are going to lose, you rather have to die”
이겨야 해 넌 넌 넌
“You have to win, you, you, you”
[C]어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
Being off is such a painful thing
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는거야
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it
내 이상과 현실
My ideal and reality–
너무 멀고 먼
They are too far apart
그래도 다리 건너
But, I still want to cross the bridge
내게 닿고 싶어
and reach me
진짜 내게 (yeah, yeah)
the real me (yeah, yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
This song maybe is the one that allows the most subjective transcription/interpretation with the absence of official lyrics. 내게 (naege; to me) and 네게 (nege; to you) are pronounced practically the same (technically, they are pronounced different, but it is very hard to differentiate the pronunciations), which makes listeners to also hear the above four lines as: “But, I still want to cross the bridge and reach you, the real you, the real you.” In previous BTS lyrics (especially in the Love Yourself series), there are cases where the distinction between “I” and “you” is vague. So this also might be on the extended line where the real you is actually the real me (as a listener of “me” the speaker).
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
But, why do I feel lonely?
(Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
[R]살다보면 B를 받을 수도 있어
Sometimes, you can receive B‘s in your life
You are expected to get all A’s in your life, but that’s just an expectation. You can receive B’s in your life, and that’s fine.
그래 야 너도 B를 받을 수가 있어
Yeah, hey, you can also receive B‘s
몇날 며칠이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
It could keep raining for days
비 (rain) is pronounced as “bi,” rhyming with B in the above two lines. In this verse, rain represents some uncontrollable forces in life.
저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어
Even in that desert, it might rain
근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어
But, I’m sorry, I can’t give up on myself
In the above four lines, it seems like RM is ready to accept the reality and embrace the imperfections, but here he starts to think about the ideal again.
내가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
I can’t let go of me who I know as myself
내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
because you, in my head, are so whole like this
Here, again, the ideal me in my head is called “you”
because you are so perfect
[C]어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
Being off is such a painful thing
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는거야
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it
내 이상과 현실
My ideal and reality–
너무 멀고 먼
They are too far apart
그래도 다리 건너
But, I still want to cross the bridge
내게 닿고 싶어
and reach me
진짜 내게 (yeah, yeah)
the real me (yeah, yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
진짜 내게 (yeah)
the real me (yeah)
Please share the link instead of reposting to ensure the integrity as I might make minor edits over time. For inquiries and feedback, please use this form.
bts-trans : [KOR/ENG LYRICS] 어긋 (uhgood) by RM
[KOR/ENG LYRICS] 어긋 (uhgood) by RMKorean
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
가끔은 내게 실망해
다시 날 내려 짓밟네
너 이것밖에 안 돼
훨씬 더 잘해야 해
너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해
지느니 죽어야 돼
이겨야 해 너 너 너 넌
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그래도 다리 건너
너에게 닿고 싶어
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
살다 보면 비를 맞을 수도 있어
그래 안 오던 비를 맞을 수가 있어
몇날 몇일이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
저 사막에도 비야 내릴 수가 있어
근데 니가 아는 나를 포기 할 수 없어
네가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
완전 한데
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 걸
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그래도 다리 건너
너에게 닿고 싶어
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
Sometimes I get disappointed in myself
I trample on myself once again
You only amount to this much
You need to do much, much better
You need to become much cooler
You should die rather than lose
You need to win you you you you
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
In life, you might end up getting rained upon
Yeah, you might get caught in rain that hadn’t fallen before
It might keep raining for days on end
Even in the desert rain can fall
But I can’t give up on the me that you know
I can’t let go of the me that you know
Although the you in my head is this perfect
Although that you is whole
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
The real you, the real me
(T/N: The title, 어긋 (uhgood) means ‘not fitting’, ‘falling short’ or ‘offset’.)
RM – uhgood (어긋) Lyrics
RM (BTS) – uhgood (어긋)
Album: mono.
Produced by Sam Klempner
(Sam Klempner, RM)
Keyboard – Sam Klempner
Synthesizer – Sam Klempner
Additional Rhythm Production – El Capitan
Chorus – RM
Digital Editing – Hiss noise
Release date: 2018.10.23
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
가끔은 내게 실망해
다시 날 내려 짓밟네
너 이것밖에 안 돼
훨씬 더 잘해야 해
너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해
지느니 죽어야 돼
이겨야 해 너 너 너 넌
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그래도 다리 건너
너에게 닿고 싶어
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
살다 보면 비를 맞을 수도 있어
그래 안 오던 비를 맞을 수가 있어
몇날 몇일이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
저 사막에도 비야 내릴 수가 있어
근데 니가 아는 나를 포기 할 수 없어
네가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
완전 한데
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 걸
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 거야
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그래도 다리 건너
너에게 닿고 싶어
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
진짜 네게 진짜 내게
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
gakkeumeun naege silmanghae
dasi nal naeryeo jisbalpne
neo igeosbakke an dwae
hwolssin deo jalhaeya hae
neo hwolssin deo meosjyeoya hae
jineuni jugeoya dwae
igyeoya hae neo neo neo neon
eogeusnaneun geon neomu apeun geos
gyeokkji anheumyeon al suga eopsneun geoya
nae isanggwa hyeonsil neomu meolgo meon
geuraedo dari geonneo
neoege dahgo sipeo
jinjja nege jinjja naege
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
salda bomyeon bireul majeul sudo isseo
geurae an odeon bireul majeul suga isseo
myeoccnal myeocciri biman naeril sudo isseo
jeo samagedo biya naeril suga isseo
geunde niga aneun nareul pogi hal su eopseo
nega aneun nareul nan nohajul suga eopseo
nae meorissogui neon ireohge onjeonhande
wanjeon hande
eogeusnaneun geon neomu apeun geol
gyeokkji anheumyeon al suga eopsneun geoya
nae isanggwa hyeonsil neomu meolgo meon
geuraedo dari geonneo
neoege dahgo sipeo
jinjja nege jinjja naege
jinjja nege jinjja naege
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
Sometimes I get disappointed in myself
I trample on myself once again
You only amount to this much
You need to do much, much better
You need to become much cooler
You should die rather than lose
You need to win you you you you
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
In life, you might end up getting rained upon
Yeah, you might get caught in rain that hadn’t fallen before
It might keep raining for days on end
Even in the desert rain can fall
But I can’t give up on the me that you know
I can’t let go of the me that you know
Although the you in my head is this perfect
Although that you is whole
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
The real you, the real me
Korean: bighit
Rom: iLyricsBuzz
English: Yein @ bts-trans
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RM – 어긋 (가사/다운로드)
RM – 어긋
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know (x6)
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know (x6)
가끔 난 내게 실망해
신은 나를 짓밟네
너 이것밖에 안돼
훨씬 더 잘해야해
너 훨씬 더 멋져야해
지느니 죽어야돼
이겨야해 너너넌, 넌
어긋나는건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그 두 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어
진짜 내게
진짜 내게
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know (x6)
못봐도 I feel lonely
I feel so lonely when i’m with me
I feel so lonely when i’m with me
살다보면 비를 받을 수도 있어
그래야 너도 비를 받을 수가 있어
몇 날 며칠이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어
근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어
내가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
내 머릿속에 난 이렇게 온전한데, 완전
어긋나는건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것
내 이상과 현실 너무 멀고 먼
그래도 다리건너 내게 닿고 싶어
진짜 내게
진짜 내게
진짜 내게
진짜 내게
어긋 uhgood Lyrics
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know you know you know
You know you know you know
(내게 실망해)
술은 나를 짓밟네 (나를 짓밟네)
“너 이것밖에 안돼?” (너 이것밖에 안돼?)
“훨씬 더 잘해야 해” (훨씬 더 잘해야 해)
“너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해” (훨씬 더 멋져야 해)
“지느니 죽어야 돼” (지느니 죽어야 돼)
“이겨야 해 넌 넌 넌 넌” 가끔 난 내게 실망해술은 나를 짓밟네
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것
내 이상과 현실
너무 멀고 먼 그 두 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어
진짜 네게
Yeah yeah
진짜 네게 uh yeah
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
(oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
살다보면 비를 맞을 수도 있어
그래 안 오던 비를 맞을 수가 있어
몇 날 몇 일이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어
근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어 But why do I feel lonelyI feel so lonely when I’m with meI feel so lonely when I’m with me살다보면 비를 맞을 수도 있어그래 안 오던 비를 맞을 수가 있어몇 날 몇 일이 비만 내릴 수도 있어저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어
내가 아는 나는 날 놓아줄 수가 없어
내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는 것
내 이상과 현실
너무 멀고 먼 그 두 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어 (yeah yeah)
진짜 네게
Yeah yeah
진짜 네게 uh yeah
진짜 네게
Yeah yeah
진짜 네게 uh
BTS Mixtapes
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
All you need is you (you)
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know
You know, you know, you know 가끔은 난 내게 실망해
gakkeum nan naege silmanghae
Sometimes, I get disappointed in myself
(내게 실망해
naege silmanghae
disappointed with myself)
스스로 나를 짓밟네
sureul nareul jisbalpne
I trample myself by myself
(나를 짓밟네
nareul jisbalpne
trample myself)
너 이것밖에 안 돼?
“neo igeosbakke andwae?
“Is this the best you can offer?” 훨씬 더 잘해야 해
“hwolssin deo jalhaeya hae”
“You have to be so much better” 너 훨씬 더 멋져야 해
“neo hwolssin deo meosjyeoya hae”
“You have to be so much cooler” 지느니 죽어야 해
“jineuni jugeoya dwae”
“If you are going to lose, you rather have to die” 이겨야 해 넌 넌 넌
“igyeoya hae neon neon neon neon”
“You have to win, you, you, you” 넌
You 어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
eogeusnaneun geon neomu apeun geot
Being off is such a painful thing 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는것
gyeokkji anheumyeon al suga eopsneun geot
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it 내 이상과 현실
nae isanggwa hyeonsil
My ideal and reality– 너무 멀고 먼
neomu meolgo meon
They are too far apart 그래도 다리 건너
geurae du dari geonneo
But, I still want to cross the bridge 내게 닿고 싶어
naege dahgo sipeo
and reach me 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah, yeah) 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah)
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
But, why do I feel lonely?
(Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me 살다보면 B를 받을 수도 있어
saldabomyeon bireul badeul sudo isseo
Sometimes, you can receive B’s in your life 그래 야 너도 B를 받을 수가 있어
geuraeya neodo bireul badeul suga isseo
Yeah, hey, you can also receive B’s 몇날 며칠이 비만 내릴 수도 있어
myeot nal myeot iri biman naeril sudo isseo
It could keep raining for days
저 사막에도 비가 내릴 수가 있어
jeo samagedo biga naeril suga isseo
Even in that desert, it might rain 근데 미안 난 나를 포기할 수가 없어
geunde mian nan nareul pogihal suga eopseo
But, I’m sorry, I can’t give up on myself 내가 아는 나를 난 놓아줄 수가 없어
naega aneun naneun nal nohajul suga eopseo
I can’t let go of me who I know as myself 내 머릿속의 넌 이렇게 온전한데
nae meorit soge neon ireohge onjeonhande
because you, in my head, are so whole like this 완전한데
because you are so perfect 어긋나는 건 너무 아픈 것
eogeusnaneun geon neomu apeun geot
Being off is such a painful thing 겪지 않으면 알 수가 없는것
gyeokkji anheumyeon al suga eopsneun geot
It’s something you don’t know unless you experience it 내 이상과 현실
nae isanggwa hyeonsil
My ideal and reality– 너무 멀고 먼
neomu meolgo meon
They are too far apart 그래도 다리 건너
geurae du dari geonneo
But, I still want to cross the bridge 내게 닿고 싶어
naege dahgo sipeo
and reach me 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah, yeah) 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah) 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah, yeah) 진짜 내게
jinjja naege
the real me (yeah)
키워드에 대한 정보 그래도 다리 건너 내게 닿고 싶어
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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 RM 어긋 uhgood
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