구자용 교수 | 2022.02.27 주일예배 / 자랑 / 고후 12:1-10 / 구자용 교수 / 피플스교회 10313 명이 이 답변을 좋아했습니다

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교수소개 | 도시과학대학 – 서울시립대학교

구자용 교수님 사진. 구자용. 연구분야 : 상하수도; 연구실 : 교수연구실 : 창공관 416호 / lab : 제2공학관 219호; 전화번호 : 02-6490-2866 …

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Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 명예교수 – 구자용

세계 최대의 비즈니스 인맥 사이트 LinkedIn에서 구자용님의 프로필을 확인하세요. 구자용님의 프로필에 경력 1개가 있습니다. LinkedIn에서 프로필을 보고 구자용님의 …

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교수소개 – 공간환경학부(서울) – 상명대학교

신화경. 학위 : 박사; 세부전공 : 환경심리 및 실내디자인전공; 연구실 : (I관)제2교수회관 (I517); 연락처 : 02-2287-5256 · MORE · 이메일. 구자용.

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서울시립대학교 환경공학부 구자용 – 김박사넷

김박사넷에서 제공하는 서울시립대학교 환경공학부 구자용 연구실 상세정보 입니다. … 구자용 교수. 서울시립대학교 환경공학부. [email protected].

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Date Published: 1/5/2021

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서울시립대동문 University of Seoul Alumni | Facebook

구자용 교수 (현 시립대 환경공학부), 이진효 (환공 98). JKSEE의 부편집위원장 정석희 (환공 97)…

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우리학회 회원이신 구자용 교수(서울시립대학교) 부친께서 별세하셨음을 알려드립니다. 삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다.

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서울시립대학교 환경공학과 구자용 교수님 – 별별선생

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부교수 – 주안대학원대학교

김종성 교수는 도미니카공화국 선교사로 20년 이상 사역했으며, IED총회신학교에서 … 구자용(Dr.theol., Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) 교수는 …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 구자용 교수

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 2022.02.27 주일예배 / 자랑 / 고후 12:1-10 / 구자용 교수 / 피플스교회. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

2022.02.27 주일예배 / 자랑 / 고후 12:1-10 / 구자용 교수 / 피플스교회
2022.02.27 주일예배 / 자랑 / 고후 12:1-10 / 구자용 교수 / 피플스교회

주제에 대한 기사 평가 구자용 교수

  • Author: 피플스교회.peoples church
  • Views: 조회수 35회
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  • Date Published: 2022. 2. 26.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TUyZIIhYl8

고려대학교 교수소개


• Kwang-Rae Kim, Peter T. Kim, Ja-Yong Koo, Michael R Pierrynowski (2012), “Frenet-Serret and the Estimation of Curvature and Torsion,” IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING, To appear.

• Byoung-Jeong Choi, Kwang-Rae Kim, Kyu-Dong Cho, Changyi Park and Ja-Yong Koo (2012),”Variable Selection for Naïve Bayes Semi-supervised,” Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation, To appear.

• L. R. Haff, P.T. Kim, J.-Y. Koo and D. St. P. Richards (2011). “Minimax estimation for mixtures of wishart distributions,” The Annals of Statistics, 2011, Vol. 39, No. 6, 3417-3440

• Luo, ZM, Kim, PT, Kim, TY, Koo, JY (2011). “Deconvolution on the Euclidean motion group SE(3),” Inverse Problem, Vol. 27

• Myoungshic Jhun, Koo, Ja-Yong, Bang Sung-Wan (2010). “Support Vector Machine Using k-Spatial Medians Clustering and Recovery Process,” Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Vol. 39, 1422-1434.

• Peter T. Kim, Koo J.-Y. (2010). “Intrinsic shape analysis: geodesic pca for Riemannian manifolds modulo isometric lie group actions comment,” Statistica Sinica, Vol. 20, pp 72-76.

• Stephan F. Huckemann, Peter T. Kim, Koo J.-Y., and Axel Munk (2010). “Mobius deconvolution on the hyoerbolic

plane with application to impedance density estimation,” Annals of Statistics, Vol. 38, pp 2465-2498.

• Peter T. Kim, Koo J.-Y., and Zhi-Ming Luoa. (2009), “Weyl eigenvalue asymtotics and sharp adaptation on vector•

bundles,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 100, pp. 1962-1978.

• Koo J.-Y., Lee Y., Kim. Y., and Park. C. (2008), “A Bahadur representation of the linear support vector machine,”

Journal of Machine Learning Reserch, 9,1343-1368.

• Koo J.-Y., and Kim. P. T. (2008), “Asymptotic minimax bounds for stochastic deconvolution over groups,” IEEE

Transactions on Information Theory, 54, No. 1, 289-298.

• Jhun, M., Jeong H. C., and Koo. J.-Y. (2008), “On the use of adaptive nearest neighbors for missing value imputation,”Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol. 36, pp. 1275-1286.

• Park, C., Koo, J.-Y., Kim, S., Sohn, I., and Lee, J. W. (2008), “Classification of gene functions using support vector machine time-course gene expression data,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 52, pp. 2578-287.

• Koo, J.-Y., Park, C., and Jhun, M. (2008), “A classification spline machine for building a credit scorecard,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 79. pp. 681-689.

• Park, C., Koo, J.-Y., Kim, P. T., and Lee, J. W. (2008), “Stepwise feature selection using generalized logistic loss,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 52, pp. 3709-3718.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Kim, P. T. (2008), “Sharp adaptation for spherical inverse problems with applications to medical

imaging,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 165-190.

• Koo, J.-Y., Sohn, I., Kim, S., and Lee, J. W. (2006), “Structured polychotomous machine diagnosis of multiple cancer types using gene expression,” Bioinfomatics, 22, 950-958.

• Lee, Y., Lee, S., Koo, J.-Y. (2006), “Structured multicategory support vector machines with analysis of variance

decomposition,” Biometrika, 93, 555-571.

• Chirikjian, G. S., Kim, P. T. Koo, J.-Y., and Lee, C. H. (2005), “Rotational matching problems,” International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 4, 1-16.

• Kim, Y., and Koo, J.-Y. (2005), “Inverse boosting for monotone regression functions,” Computational Statistics and

Data Analysis, 49 757-770.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Kim, P. T. (2005), “Statistical inverse problems on manifolds,” The Journal of Fourier Analysis and

Applications, 11, 639-653.

• Cardot, H., Koo, J.-Y., Park, H. J., and Trubuil, A. (2004), “Boosting diracs for electrophoresis,” Journal of

Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13, 659-673.

• Kim, P. T., Koo, J.-Y., and Park, H. J. (2004), “Sharp minimaxity and sperical deconvolution for super-smooth error

distributions,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 90, 384-392.

• Jupp, P. E., Kim, P. T., Koo, J.-Y., and Wiegert, P. (2003), “The intrinsic distribution and selection bias of long-period cometary orbits,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 515-521.

• Cavalier, L., and Koo, J.-Y. (2002), “Poisson intensity estimation for tomographic data using a wavelet shrinkage

approach,” IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, 48, 2794-2802.

• Kim, P. T., and Koo, J.-Y. (2002), “Optimal spherical deconvolution,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 80, 21-42.

• Fan, J., and Koo, J.-Y. (2002), “Wavelet deconvolution,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 48, 734-747.

• Choi, Y., Koo, J.-Y., and Lee, N.-Y. (2001), “Image reconstruction using the wavelet transform for positron emission tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 20, 1188-1193.

• Kang, K.-H., Koo, J.-Y., and Park, C.-W. (2000), “Kernel estimation of discontinuous regression functions,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 47, 277-285.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Kooperberg, C. (2000), “Logspline density estimation for binned data,” Statistics and Probability

Letters, 46, 133-147.

• Kim, P. T., and Koo, J.-Y. (2000), “Directional mixture models and optimal estimation of the mixing density,” The

Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 383-398.

• Doksum, K., and Koo, J.-Y. (2000), “On spline estimators and prediction intervals in nonparametric regression,”

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 35, 67-82.

• Koo, J.-Y., Kooperberg, C. and Park, J. (1999), “Logspline density estimation under censoring and truncation,”

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 26, 87-105.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1999), “Logspline deconvolution in Besov space,” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 26, 73-86.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Lee, K.-W. (1998), “B-spline estimation of regression functions with errors-in-variables,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 40, 57-66.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Chung, H.-Y. (1998), “Log-density estimation in linear inverse problems,” The Annals of Statistics,

26, 335-362.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1998), “Convergence rates for logspline tomography,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 67, 367-384.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1997), “Spline estimation of discontinuous regression functions,” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 6, 266-284.

• Chung, H.-Y., Lee, K.-W., and Koo, J.-Y. (1996), “A note on bootstrap model selection criterion,” Statistics and

Probability Letters, 26, 35-41.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Park, B. U. (1996), “B-spline deconvolution based on the EM algorithm,” Journal of Statistical

Computation and Simulation, 54, 275-288.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Kim, W.-C. (1996), “Wavelet density estimation by approximation of log-densities,” Statistics and

Probability Letters, 26, 271-278.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1996), “Bivariate B-splines for tensor logspline density estimation,” Computational Statistics and Data

Analysis, 21, 31-42.

• Koo, J.-Y., and Lee, Y. (1994), “Bivariate B-splines in generalized linear models,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 50, 119-129.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1993), “Optimal rates of convergence for nonparametric statistical inverse problems,” The Annals of

Statistics, 21, 590-599.


• Kyu-Dong Cho, Eunjee Lee, Taehee Seo, Kwang-Rae Kim and Ja-Yong Koo (2012),”Visualization of Battleneck Distances for Persistence Diagram,” The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 25(6), 1009-1018.

• 여재구, 박창이, 구자용 (2011). “평점화 모형에서 입력변수의 절단값 선택 방법의 비교,” 자료분석학회, Vol. 13, No. 6 (B), pp. 2915-2923.

• 구자용, 김광래, 조규동 (2010). “이항 선택 모형에서의 절단 모수 선택,” 한국통계학회 논문집, Vol 17, pp 811-827.

• 조규동, 김광래, 이경윤, 구자용 (2009). “신용평점에서 성김화에 대한 스플라인 방법과 대화식 그룹핑의 비교,”

자료분석학회, Vol 11, pp 2579-2590.

• 최병정, 채윤석, 최우영, 박창이, 구자용. (2008) “정규 혼합분포를 이용한 준지도 학습,” 응용통계연구, 1차 교정중.

• 송석헌, 김경희, 박창이, 구자용 (2007), “붓스트랩 방법을 활용한 SVM 기반 유전자 선택 기법,” 응용통계연구, 제 20권

3호, 531-540.

• Lee, S., Park, C., Jhun, M., and Koo, J.-Y. (2007), “Support vector machine using K-means clustering,” Journal of

Korean Statistical Society, 36, 175-182.

• 구자용, 최대우, 최민성 (2005), “스플라인을 이용한 신용 평점화,” 응용통계연구, 제 18권 3호, 543-553.

• 최대우, 구자용, 최용석. (2004), “배경자료를 이용한 나무구조의 군집분석,” 응용통계연구, 제 17권, 535-545.

• Kim, W.-C., and Koo, J.-Y. (2002), “Inhomogeneous Poisson intensity estimation via information projections onto

wavelet subspaces,” Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 31, 343-357.

• 구자용, 박헌진, 최대우. (2000), “데이터 마이닝에서의 폴리클라스,” 응용통계연구, 제 13권, 489-503.

• Kim, W.-C., and Koo, J.-Y. (1999), “Wavelet estimation of regression function with errors in variables,” The Korean

Communications of Statistics, 6, 849-859.

• 정한영, 이기원, 구자용. (1994), “최소카이제곱추정과 붓스트랩,” 응용통계연구, 제 7권, 269-277.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1992), “Optimal rates of convergence in tensor Sobolev space regression,” Journal of the Korea Statistical Society, 21, 153-166.

• Koo, J.-Y. (1991), “Discssion on “Advances in data driven bandwidth selection,” Journal of the Korean Statistical

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• Koo, J.-Y. (1990), “Optimal rates of convergence for tensor spline regression estimators,” Journal of the Korean

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국내 학술회의 Proceeding

• Stone, C. J., and Koo, J.-Y. (1986), “Additive splines in statistics. Proceedings of American Statistical Association,” Statistical Computing Section, 45-48.

부교수 Ph.D. University of Birmingham 유근재 T. 032-446-5226 E. [email protected] 상세약력보기

유근재 교수는 필리핀, 캐나다, 미국, 영국에서 현지인 교회와 한인교회 그리고 세계선교 관련기관 등을 섬겼고 한국으로 귀국 후에는 침례교 최대교회인 연세중앙교회에서 다년간 교육국장으로 섬기며 선교와 교육에 관한 풍부한 현장경험을 가지고 있으며, 현재는 세계최대 감리교회인 금란교회에서는 성서아카데미원장과 Kumnan Mission Conference 대회장으로 섬기고 있으며, 한국선교신학회의 총무로도 활동하고 있다. 특별히 선교학 분야에서는 오순절운동과 아프리카 독립교회들을 조직신학 분야에서는 성령론과 오순절-은사주의 신학에 관한 연구들을 그리고 실천신학분야에서는 교회학교와 교회성장등 다양한 분야에서 연구와 논문을 발표하고 있다.

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